Mariby Corpening In Her Buff.jpg

POETIC JUSTICE! You just gotta laugh...at yourself! So, when I was young and uh, dumb, I would giggle, laugh at and naively pass judgment on old ladies with low-hanging fruit, if you will - mine the size of grapefruits, at the time; though, still I'm thinking, “Oh Ma Gawd! How embarrassing! Do something with them!” I mean, darn near the belly button, and how can you just let them hang like that, no bra, no care! “Oh, I would never, I wouldn’t dare,” I would say!

Well, let me tell you, I am so there! No cares what anybody thinks, when it comes to my comfort, my style, my well-being, what I want to do, who I am! I get it now, and so, as you know, I am in my zone - cooking, conjuring up flavor profiles for dishes to serve my guests, just as happy as can be, tasting, sipping, singing, when I reach over the stovetop for a pinch of Rosemary, as I often do, but when I reach for the Thyme, I feel slight heat, but the smell of burnt...I quickly snap back, when it hit me, GOOD LAWD! My watermelons’ hanging so low, I almost burnt my nipps! Stunned for a moment, I look down, “MY WORD,” I humbly say to myself and in that moment, a flash of my past misgivings on being an old lady! I could do nothing but laugh...at myself and, so thankfully, I AM THERE! https://www.maribycorpening.com/intro/
#MaribyCorpening, #IAmMadlyLiving, #Hospitalent, #SlapBiscuits, #ThingsThatMakeYouGoOom, #BestEverBrunch, #BrunchExperience, #BrunchOfSundays, #BrunchAtNationalHarbor, #5StarPrivateDining, #GranniesTonics, #MadlyLiving, #MadlyGiving, #Erotictainment, #YourWriteHand, #InternationalSoulMusic, #GumpLife #IDreamABrunch, #TheColoredWomensEatingClub, #IfWeMustEat