Mariby Corpenings Dinner Theater9.jpg

Mariby Corpening Presents DINNER & THEATER - August 25, 2018, 5:00pm. Featuring The PHENOMENAL one woman show, DAUGHTER OF THE STRUGGLE by AYANNA GREGORY - An unforgettable journey into the life of The Legendary DICK GREGORY!

I have the privilege and honor to host this inspirational evening in...history. When I first saw the performance, it gave me goose bumps and I had to share This Experience!

DINNER IS COMPLIMENTARY To The Experience and, of course, space is limited! RESERVE NOW - https://www.maribycorpening.com/events/

#Hospitalent, #SlapBiscuits, #ThingsThatMakeYouGoOom, #BestEverBrunch, #BrunchExperience, #BrunchOfSundays, #5StarPrivateDining, #MadlyLiving, #Erotictainment, #AirBnbCohost, #GumpLife

HospiTalent Mariby Corpening Presents

Dinner & Theater

A Night In History, Featuring Ayanna Gregory

Descriptions, Recipes & Images by Mariby CorpeningTM