Never been a fan of bone fish, but man-o-man, I mean just look at it! So, this is the second time I tried one of my favorite fish from back in the day. In those days, I dined out and usually at a more ethnic restaurant, so the flavors were varied and always good. It never occurred to me to cook it myself, with the herbs and spices I like best.
Bone Fish, Wow!
But WOW! Here it is, my Red Snapper, broiled in nothing more than butter, garlic, lemon (and all of its flesh), some paprika, parsley, salt and pepper!
I'll be honest and say, since only my second time, while it looks perfect and the flavor was outstanding, I didn't let it cook long enough; I hadn't accounted for the size of this particular fish, when I broiled it. So, I am still perfecting this recipe and once I get all the elements just right, I will post it!
But, OOOOOOOM! I have never had better flavor!
Broiled Red Snapper
Descriptions, Recipes & Images by Mariby CorpeningTM